When I first published the previous post, it did not include a picture of the cane I was working on at the time. I added a picture of the cane later in response to a reader’s question. Here it is again, kaleidoscoped into a hexagon design in case you missed it.
The initial cane looked like this:
6 slices of the triangular cane were mirrored on each other to form the hexagon. One reader asked about the relationship between this type of design and the veneers I posted a while ago, so here goes…
For the veneers the triangular cane was elongated then cut in half. The halves were lined up lengthwise to mirror each other, forming a rhombus (diamond) in cross section. The rhombus was reshaped so that the cane became a square in cross section. I could have sliced it and made it into a veneer at that point, but instead I reduced and recombined in several different ways using standard caning techniques and made veneers on several scales.
Here are two sections of large-scale veneers (click for larger views).
Below are sections of some different patterns made from reducing and the cane further and recombining it. They all started from the same triangle
These are some of the veneering techniques I’ll be teaching in my Tessellated Kaleidoscope Cane Veneers workshops.